Saturday, January 7, 2012

Not "Doing the Dew"

Wow, it's been 4 months, eh? I've been on a bit of a hiatus, and I apologize for that.

Back in September I got a personal trainer. It's been GREAT so far. She pushes me to do things I never thought I'd be able to do. I'm currently able to bench press 15 lbs on each side of the bar (and the bar is, that's 65lbs total that I'm benching!). I'm doing hammer curls and assisted pull ups and planks, and reverse sit-ups....and sooooo many other things. My weight has not gone down...but I've lost about 2% of my body fat--which is nothing to really brag about, but it's better than a kick in the pants!

Anyway, with the new year I've made some New Years Resolutions. They range from making my bed daily to saying a rosary daily, to losing 10% of my body fat. Yup, 10%. Pretty lofty goal, eh? If I attain a 10% loss, I'd still be considered obese having 28% body fat. So I still have a looooooong ways to go.

But I'm taking steps.

One thing that's really helped me: I read an article on that truly grossed me out. I was a fan of mountain dew. I would drink it literally every day. 20 oz at minimum. What can I say, I wanted/needed the caffeine. And the taste wasn't half bad either.

That was, until I read the article. Evidently it's a story that was way back from 2010, but the gist of it is: Pepsi's defense for stating a mouse was in a Mountain Dew (Pepsi owns Mountain Dew, btw) was that the acid in Mountain Dew would have turned the mouse gelatinous before it made it the mouth of a person. Yup. That's right. Mountain Dew can disintegrate a mouse.

GROSS, right?

That alone was enough to make me give up Mountain Dew....and all pop/soda (or coke, as ya'll in Oklahoma like to say). It made me think: if it can do that to a mouse....what the heck is it doing to my body?

Which also got me to thinking about all the other gross things I put into my body. Suddenly, McDonald's does not sound as appetizing as it once did. Or any fast food, for that matter. Or pre-packaged food. It makes me want to only eat what I grow. Only problem with that is that I live on the 3rd floor of an apartment complex. Annnnd, while it's currently unusually warm for this time of year in the DC area, I know that it won't stay like this for long and it will turn cold.

So from now on, I'm sticking to drinking 0 calorie coffee for my caffeine fix instead of doing the dew, and seriously considering what I'm putting in my body before I consume anything.

Thoughts? Comments?
Happy and healthy 2012!

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