After a couple of months hiatus, I am back in the saddle again. Why now? Whelp, a couple of reasons.
1) Why not?
2) Last week I went to my sister's high school graduation and I gained 4 lbs from eating all the delicious sweets, foods, and copious amounts of mountain dew (so that I could keep awake on the road while driving and party like it was 1999 with my family). Yeah, I've never been so disappointed in myself for seeing the weight creep back on.
3) Today I had a 5k arthritis foundation walk and I could only finish the 3k. I've learned that part of fighting arthritis is losing weight.
4) I no longer fit into my size 16 jeans anymore. 18's are still too big (thank heavens), but I want to fit into not only 16s, but 14s, 12s and hopefully someday 8s.
5) Seeing all my faves tweet/fb about #fitbloggin and seeing what fun they're having is actually inspiration.
6) My chiropractor suggested I lose weight to help with my back issues (PS, Chirpractor=Best.Thing.Ever.)
Ok, so that's more than just a couple of reasons. But, that just means there's more incentive to lose weight than not.
So please help me stay on the saddle and not let a bucking horse try to kick me off.
How do YOU stay on track?
I do not buy new clothes to accommodate my growing hips!
a. nothing but water to drink.
b. cut everything in half.
d. less eating out.
It helps, if nothing else it keeps me stable. Best of luck, you can do it!!