Sunday, February 27, 2011

10 Things I'm excited about

This week has been amazing, workout-wise. That being said, I figured I ought to share my top 10 things I'm excited about with exercising (not David Letterman style).

1) I can see a visible change in my body. This week I gained about 4lbs. BUT, I lost 7.75" throughout my body.

2) I can see my clavicles without flexing!

3) I have more stamina when working out. Frequently workouts last 45 minutes to an hour with no problem.

4) I can BREATHE. I know this sounds funny, but seriously...I can take a deep breath and enjoy it.

5) Greasy foods just sound/look gross. I want to eat healthier because I feel healthier.

6) My clothes fit better and are, in some cases, loose! I need to go pants shopping when I save up enough money.

7) People are noticing. I've been getting compliments lately on me looking good. Which gives me more encouragement to work harder!

8) I sleep better at night. Don't know if it's because I can breathe better, or because my body is just tired from exercising. But I go to sleep and don't move all night long (which is how it's supposed to be)!

9) I'm actually starting to get definition in my stomach and legs. I'm working on a two-pack, and my legs are super strong.

10) I feel better about myself and how people see me. I'm becoming more comfortable in my own body. More confident. It's amazing what diet and exercise can do.

What are some things you are excited about?

Thursday, February 24, 2011


So....I totally missed #wwchat tonight! I'm totally bummed. And it's not like I have an excuse other than I forgot! I decided to re-post the questions and answer them. Use them as a sounding board of sorts.

Q1: Question 1 What do you use to measure your food portions and stay on track?
A1: I do a couple of things. I actually physically count out serving sizes. So, if a serving size is 7 crackers, I will literally count out 7 crackers. And to thwart me wanting to go back for seconds or to cheat, I will actually separate serving sizes into baggies to avoid temptation.

I don't cook a lot of meat, but I do own a food scale and use it when necessary.

Q2: How do you stay on track with measuring and tracking when on the run and or out to eat?
I find planning ahead the easiest. It's really easy to grab one of those baggies mentioned above on the way out the door. I also buy single servings of things (since I'm a single gal--it's just easier that way). Eating out is very tricky. Most of the time I use eating out as a cheat meal. I try to stop when I'm full. And I try to make sure I have leftovers. Easier on the pocketbook and easier on the diet!

Q3: to stay portion controlled, how do you prepare ahead of time for the week?!
It's all luck. Haha, no just kidding...sorta. Again with the baggies. And I also do couponing/grocery shopping on the weekends for the week ahead. Because I shop at the grocery store, I'm able to get healthy options and for cheap!

Q4: what ways can you bounce back from eating poorly and eating out of portion control ?!
Carpe Diem. Every day is a new day. So if I eat poorly one day, I start fresh the next!

My brag for the week is that a) I lost 3.5 lbs this week. And today I ran for the first time in 7 months. I gotta say, my lungs are up to the challenge and it was WONDERFUL! The only downside was that about 9 minutes in (30 seconds run, 90 seconds walk), my arches started to burn really bad. I still made it to 30 minutes though!

Looking forward to tomorrow's workout!

Saturday, February 19, 2011

A Glutton for Gluten and Measurements

I love pasta. And bread. And lots of pasta and bread. I do. If I could eat pasta or bread 3 times a day, I probably would. These things are good only in moderation, and really, if you're trying to lose weight or be any sort of health conscious, you should probably eat wheat pasta/bread and only in moderation.

But what about the gluten? According to the ever-famous wikipedia (that we all know is never wrong and is the instant go-to source for information *please read that as sarchastic*), gluten is found in wheat, rye and helps dough rise and keep shape.

The article talks about what I want to talk about tonight: Gluten sensitivity. What's the big deal? People, I guess, can be allergic to gluten. As far as I know, there isn't any test that can prove the sensitivity. Trial and error, I guess.

I've been reading up on it a little bit, and I think I'm going to give it a whirl. It can't hurt, right?

PS, I picked up a box of gluten free breakfast bars at an organic store. Honestly, they tasted pretty good. Maybe this'll be good after all.

Today I decided that I would make some spaghetti squash. First, let me say, a 4 pound spaghetti squash could feed probably 8 people. I didn't quite realize that when I bought it. So, I now have lunch and dinner for the next several days, haha.

I also decided to hit the gym this afternoon. I was able to do 2.5 miles in 45 minutes. 35 of those minutes were at 3.5mph. I am honestly impressed with myself. Not only because I was able to do 2.5 miles of walking in 45 minutes, but because up until today, I have NEVER been able to walk at 3.5mph, without having to actually jog and get out of breath. 3.0mph had been a stretch at some points. I'd be out of breath and physically in pain with calves burning at 3.5mph. Today I was able to walk and wasn't out of breath. So no matter what the scale says, I know that I'm healthier than I was even a month ago.

So, given that, I decided to take measurements tonight of everything from my neck, to my arms, to my calves and ankles (and everything in between). That's a true realization as to how unhealthy I truly am. But it's also motivation to keep on keepin on!

Annnd, this has been pretty long, so....yeah.

Friday, February 18, 2011

I registered for my very first 5K today!

I figured I'd like to find a local chapter of the Arthritis Foundation since I am now trying to figure out what it means to have Osteoarthritis. Several friends of mine do 5k's or fun runs or whathaveyou to help raise money for good causes. So I thought--hey, I'm trying to lose weight--I have Osteoarthritis--I'm free on Saturday mornings...let's do a 5k for the Arthritis Foundation.

So that is what I'm doing. Feel free to join the team, or to make a donation! It's May 21st in Annapolis, MD

I'm going to start training tomorrow. :)

What is your favorite way to train (for a race, for fun, in pursuit of a goal, etc)?

Happy weekend!

Monday, February 14, 2011

I miss running

As you know, my knees are messed up. A couple of weeks ago, I was diagnosed with OsteoArthritis.

I found out at Physical Therapy, I'm flat footed.

Which means....any time I do anything on my feet, the shock absorption goes from my feet into my knees, into my hips and eventually, into my lower back. bueno.

Along with PT (which has been good, and yet...surprisingly, my knees hurt MORE now that I'm strengthening my thighs with PT), I was prescribed injections. No, not injections like steroids or cortisone...they make injections out of the comb of a rooster...

Kinda, sorta, really gross to imagine. But aside from feeling like there's fluid on my knee and being a bit tender, I think it might just work. We'll see. I still have 4 more injections in the right knee to go (1 per week)--and then I have 5 injections on the left knee. Whoopdeedoo...

The long and short of this all is--I miss (and I mean MISS) running. I want to go for a run so bad. I miss the feeling of my lungs feeling exhausted. I miss my calves being skinny. I miss getting my stress out from the days' work being able to think "you think I can't do ? Well, I'm going to PROVE.YOU.WRONG. And how am I going to prove you wrong? By running as far and as hard as I can."

I need to find me a good pair of shoes and find some orthotics for flat-footed people.

I miss doing jazzercise. It's a really fun class, but seriously, it kills my knees. Even the low-impact version.

I think I need to get into swimming again, although I don't feel like I get a great workout from it like I do with running (maybe because you can't feel a good sweat if you're actually IN water?).

Le sigh. I need to get to my knee stretches/exercises before heading to bed. But to end on a positive note, last week I lost ~2.5 lbs. This week I lost nothing, but I didn't gain anything either, so for that, I'm grateful!