Friday, August 5, 2011

Sore! but in a good way

Day 5 of pull-ups and my abs are KILLING me. But wait...shouldn't my arms be sore?

Well, to be honest, my arms ARE sore, too. Just not as badly as my core. When I've been doing my reps, I've been focusing on tightening my core, too. And as a result, my core and legs seem to be getting just as good of a workout as my core.

Today I had allllll intentions of going to 11:30am yoga at work. I brought my clothes and everything. And then at 11am, I get this massive headache and feel like I'm going to puke.

I really feel lately that my body just hates me. It's rebelling. I've been seeing my chiropractor about twice a week for the past 2 weeks because my neck is so tight that I'm getting headaches. We also discovered that the muscles in my jaw is particularly tight. We're not sure which came first, the jaw issues or the neck issue, but they're feeding off each other. A massage on Monday night helped alleviate the pain quite a bit.

Anyway, back to today's headache. I had a sneaky suspicion that the headache was caused by one of two things: 1) hunger...I hadn't had a solid meal in almost 24 hours or 2) lack of caffeine. My coworkers generally go to Subway on Fridays, so I opted to eat rather than go to yoga. After about 10 minutes of eating 3/4 of a footlong and a Dr. Pepper, I felt sooooo much better.

I thought all was right with the world (and my body) and then my body rebelled and wanted to expel what I had eaten...

This weekend is probably going to be pretty busy (or tomorrow will be anyway), so my plan is to get up early and either go for a run, or do SOMETHING to work out before I start my day. That was my plan today, too, but it didn't go so well. 4:30am always comes sooooo soon.

Stay tuned for another blog about eating out!

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