Thursday, February 24, 2011


So....I totally missed #wwchat tonight! I'm totally bummed. And it's not like I have an excuse other than I forgot! I decided to re-post the questions and answer them. Use them as a sounding board of sorts.

Q1: Question 1 What do you use to measure your food portions and stay on track?
A1: I do a couple of things. I actually physically count out serving sizes. So, if a serving size is 7 crackers, I will literally count out 7 crackers. And to thwart me wanting to go back for seconds or to cheat, I will actually separate serving sizes into baggies to avoid temptation.

I don't cook a lot of meat, but I do own a food scale and use it when necessary.

Q2: How do you stay on track with measuring and tracking when on the run and or out to eat?
I find planning ahead the easiest. It's really easy to grab one of those baggies mentioned above on the way out the door. I also buy single servings of things (since I'm a single gal--it's just easier that way). Eating out is very tricky. Most of the time I use eating out as a cheat meal. I try to stop when I'm full. And I try to make sure I have leftovers. Easier on the pocketbook and easier on the diet!

Q3: to stay portion controlled, how do you prepare ahead of time for the week?!
It's all luck. Haha, no just kidding...sorta. Again with the baggies. And I also do couponing/grocery shopping on the weekends for the week ahead. Because I shop at the grocery store, I'm able to get healthy options and for cheap!

Q4: what ways can you bounce back from eating poorly and eating out of portion control ?!
Carpe Diem. Every day is a new day. So if I eat poorly one day, I start fresh the next!

My brag for the week is that a) I lost 3.5 lbs this week. And today I ran for the first time in 7 months. I gotta say, my lungs are up to the challenge and it was WONDERFUL! The only downside was that about 9 minutes in (30 seconds run, 90 seconds walk), my arches started to burn really bad. I still made it to 30 minutes though!

Looking forward to tomorrow's workout!

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