Anyway, I've been kinda taking it easy this week. Which is bad in some respects, yet good in others
Almost 8 years ago now, I had surgery on my right knee. I'll spare you the details, haha. Over the last year, I've been having pain in my right knee again. Not a tremendous amount of pain, but I can hear and feel my knee click doing regular walking up and down the hallway, and it's not fun to go up OR down stairs--which is fun when you live in an apartment on the 3rd floor, lemme tell you. Doing walking or running, or even the elliptical swells my knee to the size of a grapefruit.
But I digress. I told my mom over Christmas that it wouldn't surprise me if I need knee surgery again. She emailed me a couple of weeks ago that I should get it taken care of sooner rather than later because of my dad moving to Ireland soon and her needing to look after my sister while he's gone (she'd come out to help take care of me if/when I have surgery). I went to my GP on Tuesday for a totally un-related issue and decided to ask for a referral to go see an orthopedist. She not only gave me a referral, but also gave me orders to have an MRI on my knee.
Today was the MRI. The technician asked if I had any pain on the inside or outside of my knee. I was about to say no pain, and then she stroked the inside of my knee lightly and I almost went through the roof. I didn't realize the inside of my knee hurt.
I go to the orthopedist in 2 weeks. I want to keep exercising, but I think I may just have to do upper body until I hear what the dr. says.
I was given my films from the MRI. Looks pretty interesting. I wish I could interpret them, or knew someone that could. I guess I'll have to wait the 2 weeks to find out anything. Bummer.
On another health note, I've been drinking water like it's going out of style. Some days I've actually hit drinking 1 gallon. That's a lot of water! But instead of dropping weight, I've actually GAINED. That doesn't make any sense to me whatsoever. I've also been watching what I'm eating, so again--makes no sense. Grrr...
Off to enjoy a veggie delite sandwich from subway!